Program Information |
Program Name: Medicine for the Economically Disadvantaged Loan Repayment Program (MED) |
Program Type: Loan Repayment |
Program State or Other: CA |
Program Funding Source: Donations |
Program Description: This program provides educational loan repayment assistance grants to medical professionals practicing in community clinics throughout Southern California. |
Eligible Specialties: Physicians (MD, Dr.MuD, Dr.Med, or DO), Dentists (DDS or DMD), Optometrists (OD), Podiatrists (DPM), Pharmacists (Pharm. D.). |
Service Requirements: Must be working full-time in a nonprofit clinic in Los Angeles or San Bernardino Counties (California). |
Deadline/Application Cycle: There is no deadline to apply. However, the number of awards is dependent on the number of eligible applications and availability of funding. |
Amount: Awards vary based on available funding, and typically range from $10,000 to $20,000/year. |
Additional Information: Government and commercial loans obtained by the applicant for undergraduate and graduate health professions degrees qualify as eligible educational debt under this program. Awardees are given priority for future funding opportunities. |
Eric Santizo
Uncommon Good
(909) 625-2248