Program Information |
Program Name: Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program |
Program Type: Loan Repayment |
Program State or Other: Indian Health Programs |
Program Funding Source: Federal |
Program Description: The IHS Loan Repayment Program (LRP) can help dedicated health professionals chart a course for a long-lasting and successful health care career. |
Eligible Specialties: All health professions are eligible to apply to the LRP. However, physicians and nurses have historically received the highest priority for selection into the program. |
Service Requirements: Award recipients agree to a two-year service commitment to practice in health facilities serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities. |
Deadline/Application Cycle: The deadline for our monthly award cycles are the 15th of every month. |
Amount: The LRP awards up to $25,000 per year. |
Additional Information: N/A |
Jackie Santiago
Indian Health Service
(301) 443-3396