Program Information |
Program Name: Doctors for Maine's Future Scholarship |
Program Type: Scholarship |
Program State or Other: ME |
Program Funding Source: State |
Program Description: The Doctors for Maine’s Future Program provides scholarships for eligible medical students who enroll in a qualifying Maine-based medical school program. |
Eligible Specialties: Students who are or will be enrolled in a qualifying Maine-based medical school program are eligible for the scholarship. |
Service Requirements: N/A |
Deadline/Application Cycle: Each medical school determines the deadline at their institution. See list of schools on the website. |
Amount: Up to 50% of the institution's cost of attendance or $25,000 annually, whichever is less. |
Additional Information: This award is renewable up to four years. Contact the institution you are attending to learn about the renewal application requirements. |
Diana Beaudoin
(207) 623-3263