Program Information |
Program Name: Board of Medical Scholarship Awards |
Program Type: Scholarship |
Program State or Other: AL |
Program Funding Source: Sate |
Program Description: The Board of Medical Scholarship Awards (BMSA) was created as an incentive to increase the supply of primary care physicians (family practice, internal medicine, and pediatrics) and encourage their practice in the state’s rural medically underserved communities. |
Eligible Specialties: Family practice, Internal medicine, and Pediatrics |
Service Requirements: Following medical school and completion of a primary care residency program, an award recipient must be willing to practice medicine in a community designated as medically underserved. |
Deadline/Application Cycle: Students may apply at any time during their four years of medical school. |
Amount: The loans are in an amount up to the average cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses as set forth in the current catalogs of the University of Alabama School of Medicine or the University of South Alabama College of Medicine. |
Additional Information: N/A |
Kelly Parker
Board of Medical Scholarship Awards
(334) 353-4800