Tutorial: Using the Course-Mapping Tool for the MCAT® Exam, Version 2.0

Estimated Read time: 1 minute

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The Course-Mapping Tool supports prehealth advisors in the transition to the new exam by putting the MCAT® content and skills in an Excel spreadsheet. This allows advisors to identify disciplines from which the content is drawn, filter content by discipline, and map course content to MCAT content. Refer to the video tutorial and FAQs to start using the new Course-Mapping Tool for MCAT2015 today!

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What's on the MCAT Exam?

This resource contains a complete description of the competencies your students are responsible for knowing on the MCAT exam. 

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How to Create a Study Plan for the MCAT Exam

Preparing for the MCAT exam takes time. It's no surprise one of the most frequently asked questions is “What's the best way to prepare for the exam?” This guide walks you through six steps to develop your own study plan.

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