Medical Minority Applicant Registry (Med-MAR)

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Med-MAR is a service for medical school applicants who self-identify as being from groups historically underrepresented in medicine or who are economically disadvantaged.

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Group of students standing outside college building
The Medical Minority Applicant Registry (Med-MAR) enhances admission opportunities for students from groups historically underrepresented in medicine. Medical school applicants who self-identify as being from groups historically underrepresented in medicine or who are economically disadvantaged can elect to participate in Med-MAR.

If you choose to participate in Med-MAR, your basic biographical information and your MCAT® scores will be distributed to the minority affairs and admission offices of AAMC-member schools and to select health-related agencies whose mission is to increase opportunities for students historically underrepresented in medicine.

Who Is Eligible to Participate?

You are eligible if (a) you are a U.S. citizen, U.S. National, a lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the United States (“Green Card” holder), or have been granted refugee/asylum or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status by the U.S. government, and (b) you are economically disadvantaged or of low socio-economic status (SES), or you self-identify as a member of a racial or ethnic group historically underrepresented in medicine--African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

How to Participate in Med-MAR

During the Medical College Application Test (MCAT®) registration process, you’ll be prompted to accept or reject participation in the Med-MAR registry. This is the only time you will be asked to participate in Med-MAR. To learn more, read MCAT Essentials.

How Medical Schools Benefit

A medical school that wants to increase its applicant pool of students who self-identify as members of racial or ethnic groups historically underrepresented in medicine or who are economically disadvantaged can use the registry to mail school information directly to registrants.

Med-MAR serves only as a means of identifying and communicating the availability of applicants from groups who self-identify as underrepresented in medicine and/or as economically disadvantaged. No attempt is made by Med-MAR to advise students where to apply or to influence any admissions decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is "underrepresented in medicine"?

In 2003, the AAMC adopted a new definition of underrepresented in medicine. An important feature of this new definition is that it no longer identifies specific populations as underrepresented or as minorities. Rather, it provides a tool for medical schools to build and assess institutional diversity. Race and ethnicity can be one element of a total picture among other components, such as personal attributes, experiential factors, and demographics.

Each medical school determines its own diversity policies using factors which may include race and ethnicity. For example, a particular institution may decide, based on its own mission and goals, that Cuban-born or Latino/Latina students would generally serve the diversity interests of the school. The same school may decide that, in addition, its diversity interests are served by encouraging enrollments of students from other traditionally underrepresented groups, such as African Americans and Native Americans.

I can’t remember if I signed up. How do I check?

To verify your status, sign to the MCAT registration site using your AAMC username and password. Once signed in, go to the Use of Personal Info page to view your status. You can also contact MCAT program staff at 202-828-0690 or

I signed up by mistake. How can I remove myself from the registry?

Because this information is automatically released to the institutions, you cannot be removed from the registry once entered. Either disregard information sent to you or simply reply to any emails explaining that your participation was in error. But don't worry — this mistake will not negatively affect your AMCAS® application in any way.

I participated previously. Am I still on the registry?

Your information will be available only during the MCAT exam month for which you’ve registered and agreed to participate in the Med-MAR.

I was accepted into the AAMC Fee Assistance Program. Does that automatically register me in the Med-MAR?

No. Applicants approved for the Fee Assistance Program are not automatically registered in the Med-MAR.

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