Inspiring Stories

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There's a story behind every application. Read about some of the inspiring journeys others have made from applicant to medical student to physician.

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31 - 40 of 93 results
Inspiring Stories Academic improvements Creative Background
Inspiring Stories
After having a career on the business side of medicine, Ryan decided he wanted to become a doctor to make a real impact on people and communities.
Ryan Gamlin
Inspiring Stories
When Sabrina wasn't successful the first time she applied to medical school, she used the setback as an opportunity to recharge and become a medical scribe.
Sabrina Clerssaint Headshot
Inspiring Stories
Sarah talks about overcoming her illness and tells others that it's okay get to medical school on their own timeline.
Sarah Mongiello Bernstein
Inspiring Stories
How Shani and her husband coordinate their schedules so that she can achieve her dreams of being a great parent and doctor.
Shani Muhammad
Inspiring Stories
A member of the Cherokee Nation, learn about Stephanie Hope Smith's path to medicine.
Stephanie Hope Smith Headshot
Inspiring Stories
Steven was admitted to medical school on his third application cycle. His advice for others is to apply broadly and that patience and persistence are key.
Canon Brodar Headshot
Inspiring Stories
Subha founded a women’s health seminar for female Bangladeshi-Americans to help mitigate health disparities and to promote the prevention of disease.
Inspiring Stories
Tiffany had a brain tumor removed during college. After a lot of hard work, she started medical school eight years later.
Inspiring Stories
Feeling limited in his role as a teacher, Tyler decided to pursue medicine to help those without easy access to health care.
Tyler Mains Headshot
Breaking Through Barriers
A cardiac doctor shares his journey in hopes of encouraging more minority students to become doctors.
Antoine Keller Headshot