If you are not yet on the podcast bandwagon, they are great because you can listen virtually anywhere and at any time, they are more informal and easily understandable, and they can be a source of both education and entertainment without opening a book or looking at a screen. With podcast popularity on the rise, it’s no surprise there are a host of podcasts about medicine and medical education. With so many out there, we’ve narrowed down the list to five podcasts we think premed students will enjoy. These podcasts highlight the application process, describe what it means to be in medical school, and give perspectives from students, residents, faculty, and physicians about their experiences in school and in the field. You can listen and subscribe through iTunes and the Apple Podcast app.
Did we miss your favorite podcast? Let us know what’s in your library by tweeting us at @AAMCPreMed.
By Dave Etler and the students of the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
“What no one tells you about medical school is just how remarkable it really is. Thanks to the medical students at the University of Iowa med school, and their co-host Dave Etler, you have a window into what *really* happens here at the margins of medicine, and we're here for you every week. Our goal: honest and fun discussions about the things you need to know about being a med student, medicine, and medical education.”
By Ryan Gray, MD, Meded Media
“The National Society for Nontraditional Premedical & Medical Students, Inc., better known by our website name, OldPreMeds.org or simply OPM, is a professional/pre-professional society and educational conduit for non-traditional students who seek to become physicians. For those whose path to medicine is not the traditional path of high school to college to medical school, OPM's mission is to assist and advise on how to successfully prepare, apply, and succeed in both medical schools and residency training programs.”
“Talking Admissions and Med Student Life”
By The Scope Health Sciences Radio from the University of Utah
“The ultimate resource to guide you on your journey to and through medical school. Get the inside scoop from pre-med advisors, physicians, faculty, alumni, and current medical students about all areas of medical school. Topics will range from tips to getting admitted (and having your application stand out), to familiarizing yourself with the culture of medical student life, and finally how to prepare for a residency and the Match.”
By Mary Tate, a fourth-year medical student at Harvard Medical School
“Every month, Mary invites a physician or physician-in-training to join her on the show to get past their CV and talk about their journey to medicine, especially the bumps along the road. They each share a letter they have written to their premed self. You also don’t want to miss her answers to your questions about all things premed and a medical minute on health in the news.”
By the editors of Academic Medicine
“Meet medical students and residents, clinicians and educators, health care thought leaders and researchers in this podcast from the journal Academic Medicine. Episodes chronicle the stories of individuals as they experience the science and the art of medicine. Guests delve deeper into the issues shaping medical schools and teaching hospitals today.”