About This Graphic
This infographic shows the three strategies associated with the Posters and Abstracts section of the Presentation Skills Toolkit for Medical Students. Each of the three sections includes a heading for the strategy followed by a brief description and an illustration.
Identify the purpose and key points:
An illustration on the left shows a person in two poses with an asterisk made of arrows in between. In one, the person has their hand on their chin as if thinking. In the other, they point in the air with a lightbulb above. On the right an illustration shows five blank lines composing a checklist. The first two have stars next to them and the next three have check marks. The text reads, "Tailor the information to meet the objectives with the audience in mind."
Design an effective poster:
An illustration on the left shows a person with their hands on their head staring into a maze. On the other end of the maze there is a star and a different person staring at a board covered in question marks. On the right is an illustration of a flow chart with circles labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 with a bar graph at the end. The text reads, "Ensure that all text and every chart or image serves a clear purpose."
Present in a conversational, informal style:
An illustration shows three people climbing a mountain. The one in front holds a flag. On either side of the group is a star. The text reads, "The purpose and key points should start and guide the discussion, and everything should link back to your conclusions."