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Careers in Medicine® (CiM)
Choosing a specialty will be one of your biggest decisions. We can help.
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In medical school, you’ll choose your specialty, take the USMLE exams, decide on whether you’ll do an away rotation, and use the VSLO® application to apply. Find tips and expert guidance to help you better understand yourself, your options, and more.
Medical Student Calendar
This calendar provides dates and important deadlines for AAMC services and applications. You can also subscribe to individual calendars using Google Calendar.
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The AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program enables medical and public health students to pursue short-term learning opportunities in locations away from their Home institutions.

Looking for ways to enrich your medical school experience? Check out our directories of clinical, research, and public health opportunities.

Find advice on how you can get the most out of medical school by exploring career options, finding a mentor, and maintaining your wellbeing.
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Review strategies for managing your financial aid and daily finances while you’re in school, so that you can make the best financial decisions that will help you during and after medical school.

Resources and articles from student service providers, faculty, staff, and current medical students encompass personal stories of resilience, resources for maintaining well-being, and programs, practices, and strategies that can be effective in building well-being over various dimensions, experiences, and life journeys.

The Extramural Electives Compendium (EEC) is a searchable database containing information about the scheduling of elective opportunities at AAMC-member medical schools in the United States.