

Within your MyERAS account, you may create personal statements; identify the people who will write letters of recommendation (LoRs); authorize the release COMLEX-USA and/or USMLE transcripts; and manage various documents. You may also assign most documents to their programs, and subsequently track their status, along with any additional ERAS documents. 

Documents Section: 


  • Each program sets individual requirements for the ERAS documents that should be submitted with the MyERAS application. You should research programs individually to determine those requirements before making document assignments. 
  • Documents can be assigned “by document” to the full list of saved and applied to programs through the sections under Documents. 
  • An Assignments Checklist can be found under the Programs section in the MyERAS application. This checklist is a convenient way to see the assignment statuses for documents and LoRs for programs that you have saved or applied to. 
  • Each ERAS document has different guidelines and/or restrictions for being uploaded into the ERAS system and assigned to programs. Please review the information below for the specific guidelines and/or restrictions of each document. 
  • Any document not listed below is not considered a standard ERAS document. A program may request materials (through their preferred method) in addition to those outlined below to assist in their decision-making; however, receipt of these materials would be determined between the you and the program. 
  • Note for Applicants: You are advised to fully disclose results of all medical licensure examinations taken. 
  • Note for IMG Applicants: ECFMG’s On-line Applicant Status and Information System (OASIS) allows you to upload certain document types themselves. A link to OASIS is available within the MyERAS portal on the Additional Documents page, but support for OASIS can be provided only by the ECFMG. 
  • The EFDO is the Designated Dean’s Office for all fellowship applicants whether they are U.S. medical school graduates or IMGs. Applicants should visit the EFDO website for information about submitting their documents for upload or obtaining contact information when additional information is needed. The EFDO does not accept paper documents for fellowship applications and will not process documents sent by mail or courier.  
  • EFDO Online Services allows applicants to upload certain document types themselves, as well as send requests to your medical school to upload their MSPE and medical school transcript. A unique link to the EFDO Online Services account for each applicant is available within the MyERAS portal on the Additional Documents page under Documents.  

Assigning Documents to Multiple Programs

You can assign a singular document to multiple programs by following these instructions:

  1. Once you sign in to your MyERAS portal, click the Documents tab.
  2. Select the necessary sub tab.
    1. Applicants can choose between Personal Statements, Letters of Recommendation (LoRs), and Additional Documents.
  3. Once a sub tab is selected, click the three dots under the Actions column.
  4. Select Assign and select the program(s) you would like to assign the selected documents to. 

Document Processing Times 

IMG Applicants 

The ECFMG will take up to five business days to process documents once submitted. Please visit the ECFMG website or contact them directly to find out more about processing times for your documents, including LoRs. 

Fellowship Applicants 

All documents will take up to five business days to process to the ERAS program from the date they are uploaded through EFDO Online Services, MIDUS, or the AAMC Letter of Recommendation Portal (LoRP). Please visit the EFDO website or contact them directly to find out more about processing times for your documents, including LoRs.

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Personal statements may be used to customize the application to a specific program or to different specialties. 

In This Section:

Creating the Personal Statement

You create your own personal statements in the MyERAS portal from the Personal Statements section listed under Documents. 

  • Each personal statement must contain a Personal Statement Title and the Personal Statement Content. The title will be visible only to you to help you correctly assign it to programs, and the content will be visible to both you and the programs it is assigned to. 
  • The personal statement is limited to 28,000 characters, which include letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation marks. 
  • There is not a limit to how many personal statements applicants can create. 
  • Personal statements created outside the MyERAS application should be done in a plain text word processing application such as Notepad (for Windows users) or SimpleText (for Mac users). The statement should reflect your personal perspective and experiences accurately and must be your own work and not the work of another author. 
  • The use of AI tools is acceptable for brainstorming, proofreading, or editing the personal statement, but the final submission should represent your own work. 
  • Personal statements created in word processing applications not using plain text may contain hidden and invalid formatting. 

Note: A number of websites provide examples of personal statements. Do not copy any information from these sites and use it in your personal statements without giving credit to the author. This is considered plagiarism. 

  • The ERAS program will investigate any suspected acts of plagiarism. 
  • Any substantiated findings of plagiarism may result in the reporting of such findings to the programs to which you apply now and in subsequent ERAS seasons. 

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Formatting the Personal Statement

When creating a personal statement in the MyERAS application, the following formatting options will be available: 

  • Bold. 
  • Italic. 
  • Underline. 
  • Strikethrough. 
  • Bullets. 
  • Numbering. 
  • Align left. 
  • Center. 
  • Align right. 
  • Increase indent. 
  • Decrease indent. 
  • Insert hyperlink. 

Note: Personal statements created outside of the MyERAS system should be done in a plain text word processing application such as Notepad (for Windows users) or SimpleText (for Mac Users). Personal statements created in word processing applications not using plain text may contain hidden and potentially invalid formatting. 

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Previewing the Personal Statement

After entering the personal statement title and content, you will have the opportunity to preview your personal statement before saving it. This preview allows you to view your personal statement just as the programs will view it, including the number of pages.  

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Reviewing/Editing the Personal Statement

You are responsible for reviewing your personal statements before assigning them to programs. 

  • The Preview/Print option under the Actions column will allow you to view and/or print your personal statement. 

  • Personal statements can be edited at any point during the application season — even when assigned to programs that have been applied to. 

  • Personal statements that have been edited will be reflected on the programs’ side by an updated status containing the date of the updated version, but programs are not guaranteed to view or review updated versions of personal statements. 

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Assigning the Personal Statement

You may designate the assignment of one personal statement for each program. 

  • Personal statements can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Personal Statements page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column of the intended personal statement. 
  • When assigning by personal statement, programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the selected personal statement currently assigned. 
  • When assigning by personal statement, you should review any personal statements that are listed under the Assigned Personal Statement column before making selections or changes. 
  • Personal statements can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • Changes to personal statement assignments can be made throughout the application season, but programs are not guaranteed to view or review newly assigned personal statements. 
  • A personal statement cannot be assigned to programs that are closed. 

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Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation

LoRs must be uploaded through the ERAS Letter of Recommendation Portal by the LoR Author or their designee. It is your responsibility to follow up with LoR Authors about LoRs. 

In this Section:

Creating LoR Entries

You must create a separate LoR entry for each LoR you intend to use during the application season. 

  • Each LoR entry created can contain author name*, author title/department*, specialty to which the letter will be assigned, program director/department chair, and selection of whether to waive the right to view.* (*denotes a required field). 
  • You may label LoRs you intend to assign to programs of specific specialties. The specialty field will be viewable only by applicants, their Designated Dean’s Office, and the LoR Author. Programs cannot view it. 
  • The optional program director selection should be made only for LoRs written by a program director in a current or previous residency or fellowship where you trained. This selection should be used only by residents and fellows. It does not apply to rising seniors. 
  • The optional department chair selection should be made only for LoRs written by a department chair where you completed a clerkship training. Group departmental letters must be signed by the team composing the letter. 
  • You must indicate whether you waive your right to view the LoR for each LoR entry created. If you waive your right to view a LoR, you are not permitted to view or obtain the LoR under any circumstances. 
  • For each saved LoR entry, icons will display next to the LoR Author Name – Title/Department in the LoR Information column to represent the following applicant selections:  
    • You indicated that this LoR Author is a program director in a current/previous residency or fellowship where you trained. 
    • You indicated that this LoR Author is a department chair where you completed your clerkship training. 
    • You waived your right to view this LoR. 
    • You did not waive your right to view this LoR. 
  • Only LoRs that are Not Confirmed for Upload can be edited or deleted. Errors in any LoR that has been Confirmed for Upload can only be changed through creating a new LoR entry. 

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Confirming LoR Entries

You must confirm a LoR entry before an associated Letter ID can be generated.  

To Confirm LoRs: 

  1. Mark the checkbox for the LoR entry/entries that need to be confirmed. 

    Note: Checkboxes can be marked individually or all at once by marking the ”select all” checkbox at the top of the column. 
  2. Select “Confirm” at the top of the page to the right of the LoR selection count. 
  3. Enter the MyERAS password and select “Confirm” to complete the process. 
  • LoR entries can be confirmed only on the Letters of Recommendation page by either: 
  • Selecting individual entries and selecting “Only checked” in the Confirm drop-down menu, then entering the MyERAS password to complete the process. 
  • Selecting multiple entries by selecting “All on this page” or “All Records” in the Confirm drop-down menu, then entering the MyERAS password to complete the process. 
  • Once a LoR entry has been Confirmed for Upload, a Letter ID will be generated and the option to print the Letter Request Form will become available under the Actions column. 
  • The Letter Request Form is a PDF that includes the following: 
  • LoR Author Details (as you entered them). 
  • LoR Author Name.  
  • LoR Author Title/Department.  
  • Program Director/Department Chair Indicator (If applicable). 
  • Applicant Details. 
  • Full Name.  
  • Preferred Name (If entered). 
  • Contact Information.  
  • AAMC ID.  
  • ERAS Letter ID.  
  • Specialty to which this letter will be assigned.  
  • Waiver Indicator for rights to see the letter. 
  • Letter of Recommendation Portal Instructions. 

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Downloading Letter Request

The Letter Request Form can be downloaded as a PDF. 

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Emailing Letter Request

The Letter Request Form can be delivered to LoR Authors via email directly from the MyERAS portal. When you choose to send the form as an email, you will have the ability to send the author a custom message. 

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Uploading LoRs

The Letter ID contained in the Letter Request Form must be used to upload the associated LoR through the Letter of Recommendation Portal (LoRP). 

  • An accurate and valid Letter ID must be used to upload each LoR through the LoRP for each associated LoR entry. 
  • Only LoR entries that have been Confirmed for Upload with the right to view (NOT waived) may be uploaded by the applicant. 
  • All LoRs uploaded into the ERAS system will be watermarked with the full name on the AAMC account of the uploader along with the date and time they were uploaded. 
  • A notification will be sent to the email address entered in the Personal Information section that alerts you when a LoR has been uploaded. 
  • Once a LoR has been uploaded, its status will update to “uploaded” and the option to assign will become available under the Actions column. 

Note: Letter Request Forms should not be duplicated and distributed to multiple LoR Authors. They are customized for each letter and contain a unique Letter ID that can be used only once. 

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Assigning LoRs

You may designate the assignment of up to four LoRs to each program. 

  • Only LoRs that have been uploaded can be assigned to programs. 
  • LoRs assignments to programs that have been applied to cannot be changed. 
  • LoRs can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Letters of Recommendation page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column of the intended LoR. 
  • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the maximum number of four LoRs currently assigned. 
  • When assigning by LoR, you should review any LoRs that are listed under the LoRs Assigned column before making selections or changes. 
  • When assigning by LoR, you will not be able to make selections for programs with a status of withdrawn. 
  • LoRs can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • LoR assignments can be made throughout the application season to any programs that do not have the maximum number of four LoRs currently assigned, but programs are not guaranteed to view or review newly assigned LoRs received after initial application to their program. 
  • Once the maximum number of four LoRs have been assigned to any given applied to program, additional LoR assignments cannot be made during the application season. Letters cannot be replaced after being assigned to any given applied program. 
  • A LoR cannot be assigned to programs that are closed. 

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Additional Documents

Additional Documents

Additional documents may be required by programs as part of the ERAS application. Make sure to research program requirements and check to see that you are sending all required documents to ensure a smooth application process.  

In This Section:

USMLE Transcript

USMLE Transcript

In this Section:

About the USMLE Transcript 

The USMLE transcript is required by many ACGME-accredited residency programs as part of an application to be considered for their positions. 

  • You should research programs individually for requirements related to the USMLE transcript (e.g., minimum scores). 
  • The NBME and the ECFMG receive and fulfill all USMLE requests for U.S. and IMG residency applicants, respectively. 
    • Note: If applicable, passing NBME Part scores will be sent to designated programs by mail. For students/graduates of international medical schools, passing NBME Part results will be included in your ECFMG status report, provided you were certified by ECFMG based on these examinations. 
    • Note: FLEX scores are not available through the ERAS program. For FLEX scores, you will need to contact the Federation of State Medical Boards. For students/graduates of international medical schools, your passing FLEX result (FLEX weighted average) will be included in your ECFMG status report, provided you were certified by ECFMG based on FLEX. 

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Authorizing the Release for the USMLE Transcript 

 You must authorize (give permission for) the release of your USMLE transcript and assign it to the programs you designate. 

  • You must authorize the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) to release your USMLE transcript by selecting “Authorize Release” under the Actions column; entering or confirming your USMLE ID; selecting “Yes”; and selecting “Save.” 
  • If you select “No” to authorizing the release of your USMLE transcript, you may update your answer to "Yes" anytime throughout the application season; however, once “Yes” is selected, the selection cannot be changed. 

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Assigning the USMLE Transcript

You must make assignments and apply to programs to send requests to NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) indicating which programs you designated your USMLE transcript be sent to. 

  • You must authorize the release of your USMLE transcript to assign the USMLE transcript to the programs you designate. 
  • The USMLE transcript can be assigned only to ACGME-accredited programs. 
  • The USMLE transcript can be assigned to saved or applied to programs from the Additional Documents page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column for the USMLE transcript. 
  • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the USMLE transcript assigned. 
  • The USMLE transcript can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • Once the USMLE transcript is assigned to an applied program, it cannot be unassigned. 
  • The USMLE cannot be assigned to programs that are closed. 

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Paying for the USMLE Transcript

The NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) charges a fee of $80 (and tax where applicable) for sending USMLE transcripts to the programs you designated. 

  • This is a flat fee assessed once per application season regardless of the number programs the USMLE transcript is requested for. 
  • The transcript fee will be included in the first invoice shown when applying to programs that have the USMLE assigned to at least one of those programs. Once paid, the USMLE transcript fee will not appear as part of any future invoices. 
  • This fee cannot be paid before applying to programs. 

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Viewing the USMLE Requests Status Report

You can view the USMLE Requests Status Report to track the status of your USMLE requests by program. 

  • Each row will show a program and the status of the request to the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) that it was included in. 
  • Possible statuses include: 
    • Processing Request: Request is being processed by the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency). 
    • Successful: A transcript was received from the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency). 
      • NBME score history only, no USMLE score history. If applicable, passing NBME Part scores will be sent to designated programs by mail. 
    • Not Matched: The NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) was not able to match the information you provided in the MyERAS portal. You should verify that the following information was correctly entered under the Personal Information section of your MyERAS application: 
      • First name.  
      • Last name. 
      • USMLE ID. 
      • Date of birth.  
      • No Scores: The NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) does not have any reportable exam scores information on the you at this time. The possible reasons include: 
        • Scores have not been reported yet. 
        • You have registered but not yet taken the exam. 
        • Noncandidate score history only (scores are not reported). 
        • FLEX history only (FSMB must be contacted). 
        • You are certified on previous examinations but have requested the USMLE transcript. 
      • For assistance with “No Score” or “Not Matched” statuses, contact the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency). 
  • Once the request has been fulfilled by the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) and the ERAS program has successfully received the USMLE transcript, the transmission status will update to “successful”; the date and time will populate under Most Recent Successful Request Date; and the scores included (e.g., for Step 1) and the associated date for each exam step will populate under the respective columns. 
  • Any subsequent requests for a program sent to the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) after selecting “Resend My Scores” will be reflected under Most Recent Request Date and Transmission Status. 
  • Once any subsequent requests for a program have been fulfilled by the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency) and the ERAS program has successfully received the latest USMLE transcript, the transmission status will update to “successful”; the latest date and time will populate under Most Recent Successful Request Date; and the scores included and the associated date for each exam step will be updated to include any recently released exam steps (if available) under the respective columns. 

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Resending New Scores

You must take action in the MyERAS portal to resend USMLE scores to programs previously designated to receive them. 

  • To resend your USMLE transcript to programs (e.g., new scores were released by the NBME or ECFMG), you should select the “Resend My Scores” option under the Actions column on the Additional Documents page and confirm your selection. 
  • You can resend your USMLE transcript beginning the day your new score is available with the NBME or ECFMG (for IMG residency). 
  • An updated USMLE transcript cannot be sent to only a subset of programs; the USMLE transcript will be delivered to every program that previously received it. 
  • You can select “Resend My Scores” only ONCE a day. This option will be disabled for 24 hours after each request to resend scores. 
  • New exam steps included can be verified in the USMLE transcript Request Report once the request’s transmission status becomes “successful.” 

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COMLEX-USA Transcript

COMLEX-USA Transcript

The COMLEX-USA transcript is required by many ACGME-accredited residency programs as part of a DO applicant’s application to be considered for their positions. 

  • You should research programs individually to verify your requirements related to the COMLEX-USA transcript (e.g., minimum scores). 
  • The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME) receives and fulfills all COMLEX-USA requests from residency applicants applying through the MyERAS portal. 

In this Section:

Authorizing the Release for the COMLEX-USA Transcript

You must authorize (give permission for) the release of your COMLEX-USA transcript to make assignments of the COMLEX-USA transcript to the programs you designate. 

  • You must authorize the NBOME to release your COMLEX-USA transcript by selecting “Authorize Release” under the Actions column; entering or confirming your NBOME ID; selecting “Yes” or “No”; and selecting “Save.” 
  • If you select “No” to authorizing the release of your COMLEX-USA transcript, you may update your answer to “Yes” anytime throughout the application season; however, once “Yes” is selected, the selection cannot be changed. 

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Assigning the COMLEX-USA Transcript

You must make assignments and apply to programs to send requests to NBOME indicating which programs you designated your COMLEX-USA transcript be sent to. 

  • You must authorize the release of your COMLEX-USA transcript to make assignments of the COMLEX-USA transcript to the programs you designate. 
  • The COMLEX-USA transcript can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Additional Documents page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column for the COMLEX-USA transcript. 
  • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the COMLEX-USA transcript assigned to them and have been applied to. 
  • You can assign the COMLEX-USA transcript to programs by using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • Once the COMLEX-USA is assigned to a program that has been applied to, it cannot be unassigned. 
  • The COMLEX-USA cannot be assigned to programs that are closed. 

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Paying for the COMLEX-USA Transcript

The NBOME charges a fee of $80 (and tax where applicable) for sending COMLEX-USA transcripts to the programs you designated. 

  • The fee is fixed and assessed one time per application season regardless of the number programs the COMLEX-USA transcript is requested for. 
  • The transcript fee will appear on the invoice for the first program you to that has been assigned the COMLEX-USA transcript. Once paid, the COMLEX-USA transcript fee will not appear as part of any future invoices. 
  • This fee cannot be paid before applying to programs. 

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Viewing the COMLEX-USA Requests Status Report 

You can view the COMLEX-USA Requests Status Report to track the status of your COMLEX-USA requests by program. 

  • Each row will show a program and the status of the request to the NBOME that it was included in. 
  • Possible statuses include: 
    • Processing Request: Request is being processed by the NBOME. 
    • Successful: A transcript was received from the NBOME. 
    • Not Matched: The NBOME was not able to match the applicant information provided in the MyERAS application. You should verify the following information was correctly entered under the Personal Information of your MyERAS application: 
      • First Name.  
      • Last Name. 
      • NBOME ID.  
      • Date of birth.  
    • No Scores: The NBOME does not have any reportable exam scores information for you at this time. The possible reasons include: 
      • Scores have not been reported yet. 
      • You have registered but not yet taken the exam. 
      • Noncandidate score history only (scores are not reportable). 
      • You are certified on previous examinations but have requested the COMLEX-USA transcript. 
    • For further assistance with “No Score” or “Not Matched” statuses, please contact the NBOME for more information about your transcript request. 
  • Once the request has been fulfilled by the NBOME and the ERAS program has successfully received the COMLEX-USA transcript, the transmission status will update to “successful”; the date and time will populate under Most Recent Successful Request Date; and the scores included (e.g., Step 1) along with the associated date for each exam step will populate under the respective columns. 
  • Any subsequent requests for a program sent to the NBOME after selecting “Resend My Scores” will be reflected under Most Recent Request Date and Transmission Status. 
  • Once any subsequent requests for a program have been fulfilled by the NBOME and the ERAS program has successfully received the latest COMLEX-USA transcript, the transmission status will update to “successful”; the latest date and time will populate under Most Recent Successful Request Date; and the scores included along with the associated date for each exam step will be updated to include any recently released exam steps (if available) under the respective columns. 

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Resending New Scores

You must take action in the MyERAS portal to resend COMLEX-USA scores to programs previously designated to receive them. 

  • If you would like to resend your COMLEX-USA transcript to programs (e.g., new scores were released by the NBOME), you will simply need to select “Resend My Scores” under the Actions column on the Additional Documents page and confirm your selection. 
  • You can resend your COMLEX-USA transcript beginning the day your new score is available with the NBOME. An updated COMLEX-USA transcript cannot be sent to only a subset of programs; your COMLEX-USA transcript will be sent to every program that previously received it. You can select “Resend My Scores” only once a day. This option will be disabled for 24 hours after each request to resend scores. New exam scores included can be verified in the COMLEX-USA transcript Request Report once the request’s transmission status becomes “successful.” 

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Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE or “Dean’s Letter”)

Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE or “Dean’s Letter”)

Uploading the MSPE

Residency applicants’ Designated Dean’s Office is responsible for uploading the MSPE into the ERAS system. 

  • IMGs Only: IMG residency applicants must indicate in the MyERAS portal if they themselves or their medical school will provide a MSPE to the ERAS Documents office at the ECFMG. Instructions for submission can be found on the ECFMG website.

    • If an IMG applicant previously answered these questions on the Additional Documents page, their response will be displayed and they will have an opportunity to modify their responses if needed before they certify and submit their application. 

    • If an IMG applicant did not previously answer these questions, they will need to do so before they certify and submit their application. 

Assigning the MSPE

  • Residency applicants do not assign the MSPE; it is automatically sent to all the programs to which an applicant applies. Applicants will see “No Available Action” in the Additional Documents section. 
  • Fellowship applicants must make assignments of the MSPE to the programs they designate: 
    • The MSPE can be assigned at any time, including before it is uploaded. 
    • The MSPE can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Additional Documents page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column. 
    • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the MSPE assigned and have been applied to. 
    • The MSPE can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column for any program on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
    • Once the MSPE is assigned to a program that has been applied to, it cannot be unassigned. 
    • The MSPE cannot be assigned to programs that are closed.

Medical School Transcript (MS Transcript)

Medical School Transcript (MS Transcript)

Uploading the MS Transcript

Residency applicants’ Designated Dean’s Office is responsible for uploading the MS transcript into the ERAS system. 

  • IMGs Only: IMG residency applicants must indicate in the MyERAS portal if they themselves or their medical school will provide a MS transcript to the ERAS Documents office at ECFMG. Instructions for submission can be found on the ECFMG website
    • If an IMG applicant previously answered these questions on the Additional Documents page, their response will be displayed and they will have an opportunity to modify their responses if needed before they certify and submit their application. 

    • If an IMG applicant did not previously answer these questions, they will need to do so before they certify and submit their application. 

  • The EFDO is responsible for uploading the MS transcript into the ERAS system for fellowship applicants. Applicants should visit the EFDO website for information about submitting the MS transcript for upload. 

Assigning the MS Transcript

  • Residency applicants do not assign the MS transcript; it is automatically sent to all the programs to which an applicant applies. Applicants will see “No Available Action” in the Additional Documents section. 
  • Applicants must make assignments of the MS transcript to the programs they designate: 
    • The MS transcript can be assigned at any time, including before it is uploaded. 
    • The MS transcript can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Additional Documents page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column. 
    • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the MS transcript assigned and have been applied to. 
    • The MS transcript can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
    • Once the MS transcript is assigned to a program that has been applied to, it cannot be unassigned. 
    • The MS transcript cannot be assigned to programs that are closed.



The photo is most often used by programs to help identify you when you report for an interview. You should research programs individually to verify their requirements and use of the photo. 

Uploading the Photo

USMG applicants must upload their own photo in the MyERAS portal by selecting “Upload New Photo” in the Actions column, browsing for image file, and selecting “Upload.” 

Please select a photo that meets the requirements below.

  • File type: JPG/JPEG or PNG. 
  • Maximum file size: 150 KB. 
  • Face is centered in the photo.
    • IMGs Only: The ECFMG is responsible for uploading the photo into the ERAS system for IMG residency applicants. Applicants should visit the ECFMG website for information about submitting the photo for upload. 
  • The EFDO is responsible for uploading the photo into the ERAS system for fellowship applicants. Applicants should visit the EFDO website for information about submitting the photo for upload. 

Assigning the Photo

You must make assignments of the photo to the programs you designate. 

  • The photo can be assigned at any time, including before it is uploaded. 
  • The photo can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Additional Documents page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column. 
  • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the photo assigned and have been applied to. 
  • The photo can be assigned by program using the "Assign" option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • Once the photo is assigned to a program that has been applied to, it cannot be unassigned. 
  • The photo cannot be assigned to programs that are closed.

American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE)

American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE)

The ABSITE transcript may be required for surgical fellowship training programs only. You should research the programs’ requirements for the ABSITE before uploading or assigning. 

Uploading the ABSITE

The EFDO is responsible for uploading the ABSITE into the ERAS system for fellowship applicants. 

  • Visit the EFDO website for information about submitting the ABSITE for upload. 

Assigning the ABSITE

You must make assignments of the ABSITE to the programs you designate. 

  • The ABSITE can be assigned at any time, including before it is uploaded. 
  • The ABSITE can be assigned to any saved or applied to programs from the Additional Documents page by selecting “Assign” under the Actions column. 
  • Programs listed with a disabled checkbox already have the ABSITE assigned and have been applied to. 
  • The ABSITE can be assigned by program using the Assign option under the Actions column on both the Saved Programs and Programs Applied To pages. 
  • Once the ABSITE is assigned to a program that has been applied to, it cannot be unassigned. 
  • The ABSITE cannot be assigned to programs that are closed.

ECFMG Status Report for IMGs Only

ECFMG Status Report for IMGs Only

About the ECFMG Status Report

The ECFMG Status Report confirms the ECFMG certification status for an IMG residency applicant. 

  • The ECFMG Status Report contains the month and year that examinations were passed for ECFMG Certification. 
  • The ECFMG Status Report does not include your USMLE scores, which can be reported only as part of an official USMLE transcript. 

Uploading the ECFMG Status Report

The ECFMG is responsible for uploading the ECFMG Status Report into the ERAS system for IMG residency applicants. Once the ECFMG has released the ECFMG Status Report to the ERAS system, the status on the Additional Documents page will update to “Uploaded.” 

Assigning the ECFMG Status Report

The ECFMG Status Report is automatically assigned to all programs applied to by IMG residency applicants 

  • “No Available Action” will always be displayed under the Actions column on the Additional Documents page by default when users manage the ECFMG Status Report on the Additional Documents page.