

The Programs section is where you will primarily search, save, and apply to programs, as well as assign documents, manage training selections, and track the status of documents assigned to programs.

What Applicants Should Know Before Applying to Programs 

  • On rare occasions, a program will sign up to participate in the ERAS program and later withdraw their participation. Sometimes, the program does not communicate the withdrawal to ERAS staff; therefore, it is imperative that you contact ALL programs to ensure they are participating in the ERAS program before submitting your application materials. 

  • You should be sure to contact each program before applying to make sure you understand and meet all program eligibility requirements and deadlines, including work authorization requirements. 

  • Programs can update their participation status in the ERAS program to inform you when they are no longer accepting new applications. This status will be reflected in the MyERAS portal, and you will not be able to select or apply to these programs. If you have applied to a program before the program changed your status to “No longer accepting applications,” you will still be able to make document assignment changes. 

  • The ERAS program is not an authority on accreditation and is not responsible for any changes to residency program status. You should be sure to research and contact residency programs for information on your accreditation status, requirements, and deadlines. 

Note: The ERAS program does not give refunds for any reason. You are advised to research and contact programs before applying to minimize the risk of applying to a program that is no longer accepting applications or not participating in the ERAS program.

In This Section:

Program Signals Overview for Residency Applicants

Program Signals Overview for Residency Applicants

In this Section:

What are program signals?

Program signals offer you the opportunity to express interest in individual residency programs at the time of application. Program signals are intended to be used by residency programs as one of many data points in deciding whom to invite to interview.  

You can send program signals for each specialty to which you intend to apply. The number of available signals varies by specialty. Specialties determine the number of signals based on their goals for signaling, their number of programs, and the average number of applications submitted per program in their specialty. 

Important Program Signaling Details

  • Applicants should signal all programs to which they are the most interested in using the allotted number of program signals, including home and away rotation programs.
  • For the 2025 ERAS, program signals will be available to December cycle fellowship applicants. Program signals will be available to July cycle fellowship applicants beginning with the 2026 ERAS season.
  • Program participation within each specialty is optional. Some programs within each specialty may decide not to participate. A list of participating specialties and the number of program signals offered by specialty is available on the AAMC webpage. In late July, individual program participation will also be updated. In the interest of protecting applicants from sending signals to programs that have no interest in considering program signals as a part of their application review, applicants will not be able to send a program signal to a program that is not participating.

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How do I send a signal to a specific track (e.g., preliminary, categorical)?

Program signals cannot be sent to specific tracks. Instead, the signals are received at the institution level, meaning that all program tracks at an institution (preliminary and categorical) for a given specialty will see the same signal information. 

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What is tiered program signaling?

Certain specialties decided to use a tiered program signaling approach to better understand applicants’ level of interest. Tiered signaling offers applicants two levels of signals: gold and silver.  

  • Gold signals are designed to identify an your “most preferred” programs.  
  • Silver signals are designed to identify your “preferred” programs.  

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How are signals shared with programs?

Only programs you signal and to which you apply will see your signals.  

  • Standard Program Signaling: If you signal a program, the program will see the word “Yes”. Standard signals will all be displayed as “Yes”.  
  • Tiered Signaling: If you signal a program, the program will see either the word “Gold” or “Silver” rather than seeing the word “Yes”.  

If you do not signal a program, signal a different program, or skip this question, the program will receive no information.​ 

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How will programs use program signals?

Programs are instructed to use program signals as one piece of information to consider during the interview selection process only, because applicants may change their preferences after interview season. To assist with the admission process, programs can filter applicants based on program signals. Although programs have been advised that signals are not to be used in isolation as a screening tool, some programs may use them during screening. 

The following data on program signals are based on survey responses aimed at understanding programs’ use of the program signals data collected during the 2024 ERAS season: 

  • Seventy-one percent of program directors agreed that program signals helped them identify applicants who they would have otherwise overlooked. 
  • Program directors reported using applicants’ signals during various stages of the application process:  
    • As an initial screening tool, without examining other data, conducting holistic review (19% of respondents).  
    • As part of an initial screen, alongside other data, before conducting holistic review (41% of respondents).
    • As part of a holistic application review to decide who to interview (53% of respondents). 
    • As a tiebreaker to help decide who to interview (26% of respondents).
    • During the interview to learn more about why an applicant signaled their program (17% of respondents).

For more detailed information on how programs and individual specialties used program signals in the 2024 ERAS season, refer to the results of the Program Director Reaction Survey on the ERAS Statistics webpage. 

If you have questions about how a program you are applying to is using these data in the 2025 ERAS season, please contact the program directly. 

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Tips for Sending Program Signals

  • Use the maximum allotted program signals per specialty to which you apply. You should use all the signals available to you. 
  • Decide which programs you want to signal based on your unique situation. Consider the strength of your application, your ultimate career goals, and personal circumstances, along with a program's relative competitiveness, mission, and goals. You are encouraged to work with faculty and resident mentors as you consider where to send your signals. 
  • The following resources may also be helpful as you consider where to signal: 
  • Understand that sending a program signal resulted in a higher probability of interview invitation for all participating specialties. However, programs varied widely in how they used signals, and sending a signal did not guarantee an interview invitation.  
  • Take time to review program signal data on the ERAS Statistics webpage.

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View All Program Signals

At the top of the Programs pages next to the (?) Help icon, there is a link to View All Signals. This link will bring up a modal window with a summary of the counts for all program signals for all specialties. The summary is divided into three categories with the number of specialties saved or applied to for each category in parentheses:  

  1. Single Tier: These specialties have opted to use only one type of program signal. 
  2. Two-Tier: These specialties have opted to use a two-tiered system for signaling: Gold (most preferred) and Silver (preferred). 
  3. Not Participating: These specialties are not accepting program signals, and no signals can be assigned to programs in these specialties. 

Each participating specialty allocates a fixed number of signals to assign to programs. The Signal Count column shows three numbers for each specialty: 

  • Available: Shows how many signals remain after subtracting the total signals assigned to Saved Programs and the number of signals sent to programs you have already applied to.  

  • Assigned: Shows how many signals have been assigned to saved programs. You can edit or reassign these signals as much as you like. Signals assigned to saved programs are not final until they are sent to a program with the application. 

  • Applied: Shows the number of signals that have been assigned to programs you have applied to. Once an application has been submitted to a program, no updates can be made to the program signal assignment for that program. If you withdraw your application from a program you signaled, that signal cannot be reassigned to another program. 

As the number of Assigned and Applied signals increases, the number of signals Available will decrease. 

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Search Programs

Search Programs

In This Section:

Search Criteria

You can search for programs of interest using one of the following options: 

  • Search by Specialty. 
  • Note When searching by specialty, you can narrow search results by selecting a state and/or specific program. 
  • Search by Accreditation ID (ACGME ID). 

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Search Results

By default, only 10 search results will display at time. The display can be changed by selecting the “Displaying” down arrow and selecting “10,” “20,” “25,” “50,” or “All.” 

  • Pagination is available at the bottom of the page when “All” is not selected. 
  • Based on the search criteria, the associated specialty will display at the top of the search results list, along with the application cycle. 
  • For each program in the search results, the following information will be displayed: 
    • Program Name.  
    • City.  
    • State.  
    • Signaling Status (program signal participating status). 
    • Status (ERAS participation status).  
    • Accreditation ID. 
    • Training type(s) offered by program.  
  • You can click the “Program Name” link to view the contact details and additional information specific to that program, as well as manage training selections. 
  • If a program has additional information they would like to share with you, an icon (i) will display to the right of the program name. Follow the “Program Name” link to view the additional information. Programs are not required to share additional information in the MyERAS portal. 

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Filtering Search Results

You can filter your search results with the following options: 

  • You can enter keywords that are in the Program Name, City, State, or Track Name to filter down to select programs within the search results. 
  • Selecting the Accepting Applications checkbox will display only programs that are participating and actively accepting applications through the ERAS program. This checkbox is selected by default every time a new search is performed. You can unmark this checkbox to view all programs regardless of status. 
    • Note: If you are interested in programs that have a status other than “participating,” you will have to contact those programs directly to find out how they would like to receive applications. 
  • The ACGME grants Osteopathic Recognition to programs that provide training in Osteopathic Principles and Practices. Filter for such programs by using the checkbox to show only programs with Osteopathic Recognition. 
  • The Filter by Training Type drop-down list will display all training types that are available within the current search results. By default, View All is selected; however, you can select any of the available training types if you are only interested in a specific training type. You can use these filtering options one at a time or in any combination. 

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Adding Programs to Saved Programs List

You must select at least one training type for each program you would like to add to your Saved Programs list. 

  • As you make training selections from the search results, the Programs Selected count at the top of the results pane will keep track of how many programs have been selected. The Programs Selected count follows you as you scroll through the search results. 
  • Once you have made your training selections and are ready to save them, you must select “Save Programs” (which includes the count of selected programs). 
  • You will then be presented with a list of your selections, which you must confirm to add to your Saved Programs list. If you are not satisfied with the list, you can select “Cancel” to return to your search results and modify your selections. 
    • Note: Confirming programs of interest to your Saved Programs list does not mean that you have applied to those programs. 

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Saved Programs

Saved Programs

You can select “Add Programs” to navigate to the Search Programs page. 

In This Section:

Saved Signals Overview

The Saved Signals Overview summary provides a quick glance of the saved specialties and how many signals remain for each. It can be collapsed and expanded using the icon in the top right corner. The specialties are divided into three categories, and the number in parentheses indicates the number of programs currently saved in each of those categories. Only five specialties of each type are displayed at one time, and additional specialties will be paginated: 

  1. Single Tier: These specialties have opted to use only one type of program signal. 
  2. Two-Tier: These specialties have opted to use a two-tiered system for signaling: Gold (most preferred) and Silver (preferred). 
  3. Not Participating: These specialties are not accepting program signals, and no signals can be assigned to programs in these specialties.  

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Signal Counts

Each participating specialty allocates a fixed number of signals to assign to programs. The Signal Count column shows three numbers for each specialty: 

  • Available: Shows how many signals remain after subtracting the total signals assigned to Saved Programs and the number of signals sent to programs that applicant has already applied to.  
  • Assigned: Shows how many signals have been assigned to saved programs. You can edit or reassign these signals as much as you like. Signals assigned to saved programs are not final until they are sent to a program with the application. 
  • Applied: Shows the number of signals that have been assigned to programs that you have applied to. Once an application has been submitted to a program, no updates can be made to the program signal assignment for that program. If you withdraw your application from a program you signaled, that signal cannot be reassigned to another program.  

As the number of Assigned and Applied to signals increases, the number of signals Available will decrease.  

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You can enter keywords or numbers that are in the Program Name, Specialty, City, State, or Track Name and Accreditation ID to search for programs within your saved programs list. 

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Saved Programs List

Saved programs are displayed by choosing a specialty from the Select a Specialty menu. All saved programs in that specialty will be displayed. Only specialties associated with saved programs will appear in the list. The number of saved programs associated with each specialty will appear in parentheses next to the specialty name. 

  • For each program in the search results, the following information will be displayed: 
    • Program Name.  
    • City. 
    • State. 
    • Signaled? (whether a program has been assigned a signal and what type). 
    • Signaling Status (whether a program is participating/accepting program signals).  
    • Accreditation ID. 
  • You can click the “Program Name” link to view the contact details and additional information specific to that program, as well as manage training selections. 
  • If a program has additional information they would like to share with you, an icon (I) will display to the right of the program name. Click the “Program Name” link to view the additional information. Programs are not required to share additional information in the MyERAS portal. 

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Program Signal for Residency Applicants

You can assign a program signal only to programs that are participating. Participating programs will be indicated by “Accepting Signals” in the Signaling Status column in the list of saved programs by specialty.  

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Add Program Signal

To assign a signal, go to the Actions menu (indicated by three vertical dots). Two-tiered programs will have the option to assign a gold or silver s. Both options will show how many signals are available (not assigned to a saved program or sent to a program already applied to) displayed in parentheses. Single-tiered programs will only have the option “Assign Signal” with the number of signals available in parentheses. The Signaled? column will indicate whether a signal has been assigned to a program and what type. For example: 

  • Yes for single-tiered programs.  
  • Gold or Silver for two-tiered programs.  
  • No if no signal has been assigned. 
  • N/A for programs that are not participating. 

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Remove or Change Program Signal in the Actions Menu 

For single-tiered specialties, there will be an option to remove an assigned signal. When all available signals have been assigned, the option to assign will be grayed out, and the number available will be 0. 

For two-tiered specialties, there will be an option to assign a gold or silver signal . Once a signal has been applied, there will be an option to remove that signal or switch to the other type of signal.  

For specialties or programs that are not participating in program signals, there will be no options related to assigning signals. 

If no signals are available, but they have not all been assigned to programs applied to, signals assigned to saved programs can be removed and reassigned. Sorting the Signaled? column will make it easier to assess which saved programs have signals assigned to them.

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Assigning Documents

You must designate the assignment of documents to each program. It is important that you know the program requirements so you can keep them in mind while making your assignments. 

  • Documents can be assigned to any saved program by selecting “Assign Documents” under the Actions column of the intended program. 
  • Document assignments can be modified at any time for a program that you have not applied to. 
  • Documents assigned to a program are the same for all training within the program. 
  • Note: You cannot assign documents to programs that are closed.  

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Deleting Programs 

You can delete programs only from your saved programs list. Once a program has been applied to, it cannot be deleted. 

  • A program can be removed from the saved programs list by selecting “Delete” under the Actions column of the intended program. 

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Apply/Preview Invoice

You should review the application timeline to see when you can begin applying to programs. 

  • To apply to programs or just preview an invoice, you must mark the checkbox for each program they would like to select and then choose “Apply/Preview Invoice.” 
  • Program signal assignments will be submitted with an application. You will have an opportunity to confirm the signals that will be submitted before being prompted to enter payment information.  
  • A summary of all costs for the selected programs and any associated transcript fees will be displayed with the option to apply, which will take you through the payment process. 

Note: The ERAS program uses a secure server for your credit card information and does not retain the information for future use. 

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Applying Before Programs Can Access/View Application Material

  • Applicants applying to September cycle residency programs: MD and DO residency applicants can begin applying to ACGME-accredited programs on Sept. 4, However, programs will not be able to view these applications until Sept. 25. All applications sent between Sept. 4 and Sept. 25 will be date stamped Sept 25 on the program’s side. 
  • Applicants applying to July cycle fellowship programs: 
    • Applicants can begin applying to July cycle fellowships on July 3. However, programs will not be able to view these applications until July 17. All applications sent between July 3 and July 17 will be date stamped July 17 on the program’s side. 
  • Applicants applying to December cycle fellowship programs: 
    • Applicants can begin applying to December cycle fellowships on Nov. 13. However, programs will not be able to view these applications until Dec. 4. All applications sent between Nov. 13 and Dec. 4 will be date stamped Dec. 4 on the program’s side. 

Note: Although we make every effort to ensure that our data are up to date, programs may not always communicate to the ERAS program their intention to accept applications, or a program's status may change. Therefore, it is your responsibility to contact programs before applying to confirm that you meet all eligibility requirements and program deadlines. 

Note: The ERAS program does not give refunds for any reason. You are advised to research and contact programs before applying to minimize the risk of applying to a program that is no longer accepting applications or not participating in the ERAS program. 

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Programs Applied To

Programs Applied To

Search — You can enter keywords or numbers that are in the Program Name, Specialty, City, State, and Accreditation ID to search for programs within your Programs Applied To list. 

In This Section:

Programs Applied To List 

For each program in the Programs Applied To list, the following information will be displayed: 

  • Program Name.  
  • Specialty.  
  • City.  
  • State.  
  • Signaled? (shows whether a Program was Signaled and what type of signal).  
  • Accreditation ID. 
  • Applied Dates.  
  • Training Type Selections.  

You can click the “Program Name” link to view the contact details and additional information specific to that program, as well as to manage training selections. 

Note: You can select additional training types at any time. However, training selections cannot be removed once you have applied to a program. You must contact the programs directly if you no longer wish to be considered for a training type you previously selected. 

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Track Assigned Documents

Expanding Track Assigned Documents for any program allows you to track the status of the application and all documents assigned to that specific program. 

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Assigning Documents

You must designate the assignment of documents to each program. It is important that you know the program requirements so you can keep them in mind while making you assignments. 

  • Documents can be assigned to any program applied to by selecting “Assign Documents” under the Actions column of the intended program. 

  • After applying to programs, document assignments are locked. Except for the personal statement, which can be changed at any time throughout the season. However, keep in mind that it is not guaranteed that programs will view newly assigned personal statements. 

Note: You cannot assign documents to programs that are closed. 

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Withdrawing From Programs

You should withdraw from programs you are no longer interested in. Informing the program you no longer wish to be considered for a position, especially if you have been granted an interview, allows the program to invite another candidate to interview. 

  • To withdraw from programs, you must mark the checkbox for each program from which you would like to withdraw and choose “Withdraw.” Then review the programs selected and withdrawal information and confirm by selecting “Withdraw.” 
  • When you withdraw from programs in the MyERAS portal, the programs will still display in your Programs Applied To list but will be labeled “You have withdrawn from this program.” 
  • Withdrawing from a program in the MyERAS portal does not remove your application from the program’s PDWS system view. It will just mark your application as Withdrawn by Applicant. Keep in mind that this will apply to all training types selected. In addition to withdrawing in the MyERAS portal, you should contact the program directly and make them aware of your decision, in the event that they overlook the Withdrawn by Applicant indicator in the PDWS system. 
  • If you inadvertently withdraw or later change your decision to withdraw, you can reinstate your application for any program on the Programs Withdrawn From page. You should also contact the program directly and make them aware of your decision. 

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Programs Withdrawn From

Programs Withdrawn From

Search — You can enter keywords or numbers that are in the Program Name, Specialty, City, State, and Accreditation ID to search for programs in your Programs Withdrawn From list. 

Programs Withdrawn From List

For each program in the Program Withdrawn From list, the following information will be displayed: 

  • Program Name.  
  • Specialty.  
  • City.  
  • State.  
  • Signaled? (Residency applicants only). 
  • Accreditation ID. 
  • Training Type Selections. 

You can follow the “Program Name” link to view the contact details and additional information specific to that program, as well as to view training selections that were made when you applied to the program. 

You will not be able to manage or make any changes to your training type selections or document assignments for a program you have withdrawn from. 

Reinstating an Application

If you inadvertently withdraw or later change your decision to withdraw, you can reinstate your application on the Programs Withdrawn From page. 

  • To reinstate an application, you must mark the checkbox for each program with which you would like to reinstate your application and choose “Reinstate.” Then review the programs selected and confirm by selecting “Reinstate.”  
  • You should also contact the program directly to make them aware of your decision.

Payment History

Payment History

Provides a summarized history of all ERAS fees, exam transcript fees (USMLE and/or COMLEX-USA), and tax (where applicable) paid for the current ERAS season.

Assignments Checklist

Assignments Checklist

Provides a report listing the number of programs with or without documents assigned (including the COMLEX-USA transcript (DO applicants only), American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE) (DO applicants only), ECFMG Status Report (IMG applicants only), MSPE, MS transcript, personal statement, photo, USMLE transcript, and LoRs).  

  • The LoR assignments are separated by programs with the maximum four LoRs assigned and programs with fewer than four LoRs assigned. 

  • Please check the requirements of the programs you wish to apply to. Many programs require four LoRs to be assigned while some programs allow only two or three LoRs to be assigned. Use this report to ensure that all documents are properly assigned to programs and avoid missing documents. Some documents are automatically assigned to all applied programs and do not require any action to assign these documents. You may select the highlighted number icons to display the programs with or without the respective document assigned. You may bulk assign documents from the Documents tab.

Assignments Report

Assignments Report

Provides a detailed report of training selections and document assignments for programs you have saved and applied to. Use this report to ensure that the documents assigned to the program meet their application requirements.