In the Testing Room

In the Testing Room

You must adhere to the following procedures while in the testing room: 

  • Your MCAT-accepted ID must be visible on your desk at all times.
  • You must follow all directions and verbal instructions provided by the testing staff.
  • If you require assistance or encounter a problem while taking the exam, raise your hand immediately. The test administrator will come to you and, if needed, may escort you out of the testing room.

Test-Day Certification Statement

You will be presented with an on-screen Certification Statement at the start of your exam. The Certification Statement reminds you of the obligations under the Examinee Agreement and The MCAT® Essentials to which you agreed when you registered for the exam. By clicking the circle indicating that you agree with the Certification Statement, you will be certifying that you have read and agree to abide by all rules and policies set forth in the Examinee Agreement and The MCAT® Essentials. If you refuse to agree to the test-day Certification Statement, you will not be able to continue with the exam. The full text of the Certification Statement that you will see on test day is as follows:

Test Day Certification

Test-Day Certification

By proceeding with today’s MCAT® exam, you certify that you have not and will not engage in any conduct that compromises the integrity, validity, or security of the MCAT exam. You certify that:

  • Prior to the exam, you did not give or receive information about the questions that might appear on your MCAT exam. During the exam, you will not give or receive information about the content of the exam.
  • You will keep the MCAT exam content confidential indefinitely, including, but not limited to: exam questions, passages, graphics, incorrect responses, correct answers, and topic lists, frequency and order of exam topics, when described in more specific detail than the What’s on the MCAT exam.
  • You are taking the MCAT exam for the sole purpose of applying to and attending a health-professions school and program that accepts MCAT exam results to satisfy a test-score admissions requirement, unless otherwise approved by the AAMC.
  • You will not access any written materials, electronic devices, cell phones, or other unauthorized items at any point during today’s MCAT administration which includes any scheduled or unscheduled breaks.
  • You will abide by all MCAT policies and procedures found in The MCAT Essentials, including the Examinee Agreement to which you agreed when you registered for the MCAT exam.
  • You understand that a violation of any MCAT rule may result in an investigation which could lead to a report of factual findings sent to legitimately interested parties, score cancellation, a partial or permanent ban from taking the MCAT in the future, or civil or criminal penalties.

I have read, and agree to comply with, the terms of this Test-Day Certification, including all additional terms and policies set forth in The MCAT Essentials, and I understand the consequences for failing to comply. 

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Next: Breaks, Food, and Drink

Breaks, Food, and Drink

Breaks, Food, and Drink

The MCAT exam contains three optional, scheduled breaks. Follow the exam schedule carefully (refer to MCAT Exam Content). Taking breaks longer than the allotted time can lead to loss of exam time or ability to void the exam. If your break exceeds the allotted time, any overage may be subtracted from the time in the following test section. 

  • You will need to allow time for check-in procedures when you return from your break.
  • You will be responsible for tracking your break time using the clock in the test center waiting area. If you do not see a clock, you may ask the test center staff where you can monitor your time. Test center staff are not responsible for recording or tracking your time.
  • You will not be permitted to leave the test center floor or building to retrieve food or drink, nor will you be permitted to have food or drink delivered to the testing center.
  • You are permitted to bring your own food and drinks; however, these items must be stored outside the testing room in your assigned locker or other storage provided to you at the test center. You may access them on your breaks. There are no microwaves or refrigerators available in the test centers for your use.
  • If you return from a break before the break time expires, you will be required to continue the exam immediately upon being seated. Any remaining break time will not be applied to subsequent sections of the exam or future or scheduled breaks.
  • If you finish a section early, you must end that section before taking your break. If you finish a section early, you may continue to the next section and skip your break, but additional time will not carry over to any subsequent sections or breaks, should you choose to take your break. You will not be able to return to a previous section once it has been completed. 
  • If you take an unscheduled break at any time, your testing time will not stop.
  • Outside guests are not allowed in the testing center at any time.

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Next: Scoring or Voiding Your Exam

Scoring or Voiding Your Exam

Scoring or Voiding Your Exam

On test day, you have the option to void your MCAT exam if you do not want your test to be scored. When you finish your exam, you will see the screen below. You have ONE opportunity to score or void your exam. Once you select “Next” to submit your selection, your decision is final. Voiding or scoring cannot be reversed after the exam.

The AAMC understands that circumstances in a testing room (e.g., lighting, temperature, noise) or circumstances particular to a person on test day (e.g., illness) may impact an examinee’s performance and relies on the examinee to make the subjective determination of whether the circumstances impaired his or her performance such that they should void their score on exam day.

Test Day Certification 2
  • If you do not want your exam scored, you must select “I wish to VOID my MCAT exam.” when prompted on your computer screen. Notifying the test administrator of your intent to void your exam is not sufficient. If you are not presented with the void-exam question, ask the test administrator to file a report before leaving the test center, and submit a Test Center Concern for the situation to be investigated. 
  • If you must leave before completing your exam because of illness or unforeseen circumstances, the AAMC requires you to click through your exam in order to void it. Otherwise, you must ask the test administrator to file a report before you leave the test center, and, after you leave the test center, you must submit a Test Center Concern so the AAMC may void your exam for you. If you do not submit a Test Center Concern, your exam may be scored.
  • Failure to properly void your exam may result in the release of your scores. These scores cannot be removed from your testing history, and scores cannot be voided after they have been released.
  • If you do not make a selection when presented with the void-exam question before time expires, your exam will be scored.
  • Once you make your decision to score or void your exam, you cannot change it.
  • Information from voided exams is not included on score reports sent to medical schools. Indication of a voided exam will be displayed in the MCAT Score Reporting System after the scheduled score release date, for only you to see. 
  • A voided exam does count toward your testing limits regardless of the reason.
  • The AAMC Services Contact Center might not have the information about your decision to score or void your exam until at least five days after the test date.

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Next: After the Exam