Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Here's what you need to know before you sit down to start your AMCAS application.

New in the AMCAS Application

New in the AMCAS Application
The 2025 AMCAS application has a few new features:
  • Additions to the race and ethnicity categories and subcategories for “Self-Identification.”
  • A new section dedicated to specifying Tribal affiliation.
  • An updated list indicating which schools participate in the PREview® professional readiness exam; schools not participating will not receive PREview scores.
  • Mandatory sections will now be marked with a red asterisk (not just mandatory fields).

AMCAS Submission and Deadlines

AMCAS Submission and Deadlines

Each medical school determines its AMCAS application deadline and the date by which the AMCAS program must receive official transcripts. Be sure to have all your official transcripts sent to the program in a timely manner to avoid processing delays and missed deadlines.

Your AMCAS application may be submitted before or after the AMCAS program receives your official transcripts and letters of evaluation.

Keep in mind:

  • Once you submit your application, your ability to make changes to it is very limited.
  • Once your application is submitted and all your official transcripts are received, your application will enter the verification queue.
  • Your verified application will include your AMCAS GPAs, which you will be able to find on your printable application.
  • Letters of evaluation that the AMCAS program receives on your behalf will be sent to your designated medical schools as they are received.
  • You may submit your application before your letters of evaluation arrive at the AMCAS program. Letters are not required for the program to verify your application.

To meet a school’s AMCAS deadline, your application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on the deadline date. Official transcripts for regular applicants must be received within 14 calendar days of the application deadline or the next business day if the transcript deadline falls on a weekend or holiday. (Regular applicants are applicants applying to MD programs, not to MD-PhD programs or to the Early Decision Program.)

The Early Decision Program deadline for the application and all official transcripts is Aug. 1 or the next business day if Aug. 1 falls on a weekend or holiday.

Application materials received during peak periods (June through September) may take longer to process because of high volume. You may miss deadlines and forfeit fees if your application is returned because of errors. If the AMCAS program returns your application, the date you officially recertify and resubmit your application will be used to determine if you have met the application deadlines for your designated medical schools. To avoid delays, it is important that you read all instructions thoroughly and submit all materials in a timely manner.

Application Processing

Application Processing

During peak season, AMCAS verification may take six to eight weeks. Once you have submitted your application and the AMCAS program has received all your required transcripts, your application will be listed as Ready for Review. At this stage, your application is in the verification queue. When your application status is Under Review, the AMCAS program determines if there are any missing or incorrect items that may prevent verification processing. If omissions or errors can’t be resolved, the program will return your application.

The most common reasons for a returned application are:

  • Failure to include original grades and credit hours for repeated courses.
  • Failure to list 10 or more courses that appear on an official transcript.
  • Failure to list 10 or more credits as they appear on an official transcript.
  • Failure to list 10 or more grades as they appear on an official transcript.
  • Failure to list coursework in chronological order.

You can only correct or change an AMCAS application that is returned to you. Be sure to review your application carefully before submitting it to the AMCAS program. You will not be able to change anything unless the program returns the application to you and specifically requests corrected information.

After You Submit Your Application

After You Submit Your Application

The standard application process involves the following steps once you submit your application:

  • The AMCAS program emails you the acknowledgment that your application was received. You
    may also verify receipt through your application’s Main Menu. The acknowledgment indicates only that your AMCAS application has been received; it does not indicate that your materials are complete or that you have met the deadline requirements.
  • The AMCAS program determines whether all official transcripts have been received. If they have not, your application is held until they have. The program will email you every 10 business days until the transcripts arrive or until all deadlines have passed. You may check the status of your transcripts by checking your application’s Main Menu.
  • If any transcripts are missing or incomplete during verification, the AMCAS program stops verifying your materials and emails you. Omission of any necessary materials causes processing delays and could lead to missed deadlines.
  • When your application and all transcripts are on file, the program verifies your entered coursework against your official transcripts.

Grades and GPA Calculations

Grades and GPA Calculations

The AMCAS GPAs are standardized GPAs that medical schools can use to fairly compare the academic records of applicants who have attended undergraduate and graduate institutions that use different academic calendars and grading systems. Your AMCAS GPAs are calculated during verification and will be listed on your printable application once AMCAS processing is complete. You will also be able to view your Cumulative Undergraduate GPA and your Graduate GPA.

AMCAS GPAs almost always differ from those calculated by the school(s) you have attended. The AMCAS program does not attempt to compare AMCAS GPAs with those that appear on your official transcripts.

The formulas the AMCAS program uses to calculate AMCAS GPAs are available in the Grade Conversion Guide.



If you are reapplying to medical school, you are only considered a reapplicant to schools that received your verified AMCAS application from a previous application year. Keep in mind:

  • You will need to resubmit official transcripts and letters of evaluation to the AMCAS program.
  • You will indicate your reapplicant status for each school you’re reapplying to in the Medical Schools section of your application.
  • If you submitted a 2024 AMCAS application and did not withdraw it, most of the information you entered will roll over to the current application.
    • Although most of your information rolls over from your submitted 2024 AMCAS application, the Main Menu will show all sections of your new application as “Incomplete.” You are responsible for your responses whether the information is rolled over or manually entered. You must review each section and edit or enter information as appropriate. When you verify that information is correct and select Continue at the end of each section, the Main Menu will show that section as complete. We suggest you print your application from the previous year to confirm what you submitted.
    • If the AMCAS program made changes to a section of the application, you will need to reenter information there.
  • If the information you provided for misdemeanors, felonies, and/or institutional actions varies from previous applications, the AAMC may investigate the discrepancy. Changes to how you describe the circumstances surrounding the misdemeanors, felonies, and/or institutional actions are acceptable.

Deferred/Delayed Matriculants

Deferred/Delayed Matriculants

If you are a deferred or delayed matriculant, log in to the AMCAS site with the same AAMC log-in credentials you used for your previous application. You are a deferred or delayed matriculant applicant for the entering class if you:

  • Submitted an AMCAS application for the previous entering class,
  • Received an acceptance,
  • Delayed your matriculation with the approval of the medical school granting the acceptance, and
  • Were instructed by the medical school to submit your application to the institution as a deferred or delayed matriculant.

Before you submit an application to the next entering class, you need to verify your status as either a restricted or an unrestricted delayed matriculant applicant with the medical school that offered you an acceptance. When you receive the confirmation and instructions from your designated medical school to apply with delayed or deferred matriculation, the school will let you know whether your status is restricted or unrestricted.

If you are a restricted delayed matriculant applicant, you have agreed with the medical school granting the deferral that you will apply only to that medical school for the next entering class. In this case, you will not have to pay an AMCAS processing fee for resubmitting your application to the school granting the deferral. Violations of restricted delayed matriculation agreements are violations of admission processes and may result in an investigation.

If the program is unrestricted and you are allowed to designate additional schools, you will be required to pay the standard AMCAS processing fee as well as the appropriate fees for each designated school (minus the fee for the school granting the deferral).

Late Deferrals

Late Deferrals

If you have submitted your application to the AMCAS program and are then granted a late deferral by one of the schools to which you applied for the previous entering class, you may need to complete one of the following tasks, depending on the type of deferral you received:

  • If the program granting the deferral is restricted and you have designated other medical schools, you will need to withdraw your application from the other medical schools by sending them a written notice of withdrawal. Once your application has been processed, you may not un-designate any institutions from the Medical Schools section.
  • If the program is unrestricted, you need to ask the medical school granting the deferral to extend your deadline; once your deadline has been extended, you must select the Deferred/Delayed program type for the deferring school in the Medical Schools section of your AMCAS application and then update your application by selecting Resubmit Application on the Main Menu.

Monitoring Your Application’s Progress

Monitoring Your Application’s Progress

The AMCAS program makes every effort to process applications in a timely manner, and you can help ensure the success of those efforts. You are responsible for:

  • Making sure the AMCAS program receives your application, official transcripts, and documentation.
  • Regularly checking the status of your application, from the date you submit your AMCAS application through the date your designated school(s) receives your application.
  • Notifying the AMCAS program if your designated school(s) has not received application materials within two to four weeks of the date the AMCAS program completed its processing.

You can monitor the status of your application by selecting View Application Status History on the Main Menu of the application.



The AAMC ensures high ethical standards for admission to and enrollment in medical schools. Accordingly, if you are an applicant to medical school, you must provide complete, current, and accurate information throughout the admission processes.

The AAMC investigates any alleged falsification, omission, or discrepancy in application materials and any irregular behavior exhibited and reported during the application process. If a potential case is identified, you will be notified and asked to provide relevant information. If the investigation confirms incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate information, the AAMC will issue a report.

Before the issuance of a final report, the AAMC offers you the option, and reserves the right, to request arbitration for the following reasons: (1) you conclude that the draft report unfairly characterizes the matter under investigation, or (2) the parties cannot reach an agreement on the content and language of the report.

Binding arbitration shall be conducted through written submission to the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (JAMS) in Washington, D.C. An investigation may result in delays in processing application materials. The sole issue for arbitration shall be whether the AAMC acted reasonably and in good faith in preparing the report.

For more information, refer to the Policies and Procedures for Investigating Reported Violations of Admission and Enrollment Standards.

Certification Statements

Certification Statements

To complete and submit your application, you must certify the following statements by checking each box in the application and selecting the Agree button.

  • I certify that the information in this application and associated materials is current, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
  • I certify that all my writing, including personal comments, essays for MD-PhD applicants, and descriptions of work/activities, is my own. Although I may utilize mentors, peers, advisors, and/or AI tools for brainstorming, proofreading, or editing, my final submission is a true reflection of my own work and represents my experiences. I acknowledge that no changes can be made after submission and will thoroughly proofread my work. Quotations are allowed if I cite the source.
  • I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the AMCAS Applicant Guide, including the provisions noting that I am responsible for monitoring and ensuring the progress of my application process by checking the Main Menu of my application.
  • I understand that I am responsible for reviewing my application after AMCAS processing is complete. I am responsible for notifying the AMCAS program of any discrepancies resulting from the verification process by using the Academic Change Request process, located in the Quick Links section of the Main Menu.
  • I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the Application and Acceptance Protocols for Applicants, which sets forth guidelines for ethical conduct during the application process
    and defines important application cycle dates.
  • I have read, understand, and accept the AAMC’s Policies and Procedures for Investigating Reported Violations of Admissions and Enrollment Standards, which sets forth the AAMC’s practices for investigating and reporting discrepancies in credentials, attempts to subvert the admissions process, inaccuracies, material omissions, or other attempts to subvert the admissions process.
  • I understand that I am responsible for learning the admission requirements, application policies, and due dates for each school to which I am applying and that I am not eligible for a refund of AMCAS fees if I do not meet the admission requirements of the medical schools to which I apply.
  • I understand that, unless advised otherwise by the recipient school, I am required to inform the admissions office of each medical school to which I apply if I am convicted of, or plead guilty or no contest to, a misdemeanor or felony crime after the date of my original application submission and prior to medical school matriculation. I understand that this communication must be in writing and must occur within 10 business days of the conviction, guilty or no contest to plea.
  • I understand that I am required to inform the admissions office of each medical school to which I apply if I become the subject of an institutional action after the date of original application submission and prior to medical school matriculation. I understand that this communication must be in writing and must occur within 10 business days of the occurrence of the institutional action.
  • I acknowledge and agree that my sole remedy in the event of any errors or omissions relating to the handling or processing of my application is to obtain a refund of my AMCAS application fee; however, I may be eligible for a refund only if I have notified the AMCAS program of any errors or omissions within 10 days of application processing completion.
  • I understand that the AMCAS program has my permission to release information, at the request of the medical school(s), to a third party to prepopulate online secondary applications.
  • I understand that any medical school in which I enroll may release my relevant student records to the AAMC for inclusion in the AAMC Student Records System (SRS), a secure, centralized enrollment database on the national medical student population. Access to SRS is limited to medical school administrators and select AAMC staff. The student records released to the AAMC may include information about my enrollment status, attendance, degree program, graduation plans, and demographic and contact information. Released student records will not include information about my academic performance, such as coursework grades or test scores. The AAMC uses SRS data for accreditation purposes, data services, outcomes studies, program evaluations, research projects, and other data activities in support of the medical education community and may release the data to a limited number of third parties. All AAMC uses and release of data will be consistent with the AAMC’s privacy policies.
  • I understand that my access and use of this application is governed by the AAMC Website Terms and Conditions and the AAMC Privacy Statement, including the AAMC Policies Regarding the Collection, Use, and Dissemination of Medical School and Applicant Data, which I agreed to when I created an AAMC account and which I continue to agree to by my access and use of the AAMC website, including this service. I acknowledge the following regarding my personal information:
    • The AAMC may release my application information to any school to which I submit my application.
    • The AAMC may release information regarding my matriculation status, including any commitment to matriculate I indicate to the AMCAS program, to any medical school to which I submit my application.
    • I understand that once released to a school, my personal information will be subject to the school’s privacy policies.
    • I agree to the processing and storage of my personal information on servers located
      in the United States.
    • I acknowledge that if I wish to exercise any rights I may have under applicable law regarding my personal information I should refer to the AAMC Privacy Statement or contact or to make such a request.