MCAT® Scores

MCAT® Scores

All MCAT exams you have taken and for which you have received scores will be automatically released to the AMCAS program. Before you submit your application, you must ensure all the MCAT exams you’ve received scores for are listed in this section. Please note: This does not include any exams you voided at the time of the exam.

If you have not yet taken the MCAT exam or have not yet received a score for a recently taken MCAT exam at the time you submit your application, it is very important that you include in your application the test dates for upcoming or recently taken MCAT exams. If you don’t do this, medical schools will have no way of knowing that they should expect (additional) MCAT scores from you. Also, be sure to remove MCAT exam date(s) from your application after your scores have been released and to keep this section current after you submit your application!

Most medical schools require MCAT scores to be no more than three years old. Consult with the schools you plan to apply to or the Medical School Admission Requirements website to ensure you meet all requirements for test dates. All MCAT scores from 2003 to the present will be automatically released to the AMCAS program (unless you voided your scores at the time of the exam) and will be included in all your future AMCAS applications.

The AMCAS program does not need your scores to verify your application. You may submit your AMCAS application before or after the release of your MCAT scores.

MCAT Exams Taken Before 2003: If you wish to release MCAT scores earned between 1991 and 2003, you do so by selecting the Print Score Report option in the MCAT Score Reporting System. You may then mail or email the report to the institutions that should receive your scores. The report includes a Verification Code the schools will use to confirm your scores.

To release scores earned before 1991, please visit the Electronic Score Request webpage.