MCAT® Exam with Accommodations FAQ

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Get answers to frequently asked questions about applying for accommodated MCAT® testing.

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MCAT Accommodation Services Online Application System

MCAT Accommodation Services online application system is a web-based application system that allows examinees seeking testing accommodations for the MCAT exam to apply, submit, and track the status of their applications.

You can view your application’s current status and history by logging into the MCAT Accommodation Services online application system. You will receive an email notification when there has been an update to the status of your application. 

Yes, you will be able to view your uploaded documents after you submit your application by signing into the MCAT Accommodation Services online application system and opening your application. While you will be able to view submitted documents, files will not be retained indefinitely. Therefore, we highly recommend you retain a copy for your own records, including a copy of your determination letter. Documentation submitted in support of your request for accommodations will not be returned.

Please be aware, once documents are submitted in the MCAT Accommodation Services online application system, you will not be able to change or remove them.

The MCAT Accommodation Services online application system accepts PDF, PNG, JPEG, JPG, and TXT files. The file name length should not exceed 50 characters and file size should not exceed 25MB. Please be sure to review your documentation prior to uploading for viewing issues, such as passwords or automatic scrolling.

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