MCAT® Exam with Accommodations FAQ

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Get answers to frequently asked questions about applying for accommodated MCAT® testing.

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Accommodations Review Process

We highly recommend that you submit your application as soon as it is complete with all the necessary supporting documentation. See our Review Cycles and Important Dates page to help you submit your request in a timely manner.

Most initial applications for accommodations will be reviewed within 60 days of submission of a complete application. Reconsiderations, Appeals and Extensions will generally be reviewed within 30 days of submission of a complete application. Submitting an incomplete application may increase this time frame, so make sure to read our Application Guidelines and Requirements page before submitting your application.

Your history of accommodations will be given considerable weight and documentation of previous accommodations is an important component of your application; however, the other documentation you submit must also substantiate your current need for accommodations on the MCAT exam. Keep in mind that policies and procedures for establishing eligibility for accommodations may differ across settings and contexts (e.g., high school, college, high stakes standardized tests).

While you may have been diagnosed with a permanent or lifelong condition, the manifestation of your condition and the associated functional limitations you experience may change over time and vary across settings and tasks.  When reviewing your request for accommodations, we need to understand the current impact of your condition on your functioning, including test-taking, and as it relates to the demands of the MCAT exam. Please see our Application Guidelines and Requirements page for additional information regarding the currency requirements associated with each type of disability/impairment.

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