First-Generation-College-Student Indicator

First-Generation-College-Student Indicator

The First-Generation-College-Student Indicator is another tool medical schools may use to identify applicants who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. It’s intended to help schools place your entire AMCAS application information in context as part of a holistic review admission process. The AMCAS indicators were developed as tools to assist medical schools in their review processes, and they are not intended to be used as standalone elements.

The First-Generation Indicator is derived from information you provide about your parents’ education levels* by using the schema in the table below. Once the AMCAS program has processed your application, the indicator associated with your parent or guardian with the highest education will appear on your printable application. To view the indicator, select the Print Application button on the Main Menu.

Parent/Guardian Education Level First-Generation Indicator
Don’t know
No parent data provided
Less than high school
High school graduate (high school diploma or equivalent) 
Some college, but no degree
Associate’s degree (AS, AN, etc.) 
Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS, etc.)
Some graduate, but no degree
Master’s degree
Doctorate or professional degree

A First-Generation-College-Student Indicator of “Unknown” indicates one of the following:
•    Parent(s) whose highest level of education is “Don’t Know.”
•    No parent data were provided.