AAMC Policies About AMCAS Applicant Data

AAMC Policies About AMCAS Applicant Data

The AAMC recognizes its responsibility to treat with care the information it collects about individuals and institutions involved in medical education and to respect their privacy relative to sensitive data concerning them. To meet this responsibility, the association has developed policies to govern data collection, use, and dissemination and a privacy statement.


AAMC Privacy Statement

AAMC Privacy Statement

This privacy statement explains what kinds of information the AAMC collects through its website (including the AMCAS website), web-based applications, and other AAMC programs and how the AAMC uses this information.


AAMC Policies About the Collection, Use, and Dissemination of Medical Student and Applicant Data

AAMC Policies About the Collection, Use, and Dissemination of Medical Student and Applicant Data

These policies describe specific uses of personal information of AMCAS applicants and medical students. The AAMC disseminates application information to medical schools to which applicants have applied.

Any information published by the AAMC related to medical school applications is done with aggregate statistics. The AAMC may also share personally identifiable data with peer not-for-profit organizations, certifying boards, licensing bodies, and other organizations involved in medical education for research, eligibility determination, verification, and credentialing purposes.
