Assigning Letters of Evaluation to Medical Schools

Assigning Letters of Evaluation to Medical Schools

Watch the How to Add Letter of Evaluation Entries video tutorial on the AMCAS Tools and Tutorials website.

Once you have designated which medical schools you would like to apply to in the Medical Schools section of your application, you may designate specific letters to be received by specific medical schools. When you’re adding medical schools, you will be prompted to add letters of evaluation. If you have already entered letters, a list of your letter entries will appear. Select the letters you’d like to be delivered to the given schools.

If you’ve already added medical schools but have not designated letters or would like to designate additional letters:

  • Go to the Medical Schools section of the application and select the Edit link next to the school to which you wish to assign letters.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to Select Your Letter of Evaluation/Recommendation.
  • Select the letter(s) you would like to assign to that school, then select Save.
  • If you have previously submitted your application, go to the Main Menu and select the Resubmit Application button to save your changes. This will not cause processing delays or result in additional fees.