Types of Letters of Evaluation

Types of Letters of Evaluation

Each letter type is considered one letter entry, regardless of the actual number of letters it contains.

  • Committee Letter: A letter authored by a prehealth committee or prehealth advisor and intended to represent your institution’s evaluation of you. A Committee Letter may or may not include additional letters written in support of your application. The Committee Letter is sometimes called a Composite Letter.
  • Letter Packet: A packet, or set, of letters assembled and distributed by your institution, often by the institution’s career center. A Letter Packet may include a cover sheet from your prehealth committee or advisor; however, in contrast to a Committee Letter, a Letter Packet does not include an evaluative letter from your prehealth committee or prehealth advisor.
  • Individual Letter: A letter written by, and representing, a single letter author. If you have already included an Individual Letter within either a Committee Letter or Letter Packet, you do not need to add a separate entry for that letter.

If a Committee Letter or Letter Packet is sent to the AMCAS program, the entire Committee Letter or Letter Packet will be sent to the schools you have designated to receive the letter. The AMCAS program does not split packets or add or remove letters once the packets or letters have been received. If you wish to send a specific letter to one medical school, we recommend you enter it as an Individual Letter and have it sent separately.
