Institutional Action

Institutional Action

If you were ever the recipient of any institutional action by any college or medical school for unacceptable academic performance or conduct violation, you must answer Yes to the question about institutional action, even if such action did not interrupt your enrollment or require you to withdraw. Furthermore, select Yes even if the action does not appear on, or has been deleted or expunged from, your official transcripts as a consequence of institutional policy or personal petition. Examples of institutional actions include, but are not limited to, academic probation, academic standing warnings, suspension, residence hall policy violations, and ethics policy violations.

Failure to provide an accurate answer to the question about institutional action or, if applicable, failure to complete the form provided by the school may result in an investigation. The AMCAS program will report institutional actions listed on your transcript, regardless of whether you report them on your application. Medical schools require you to answer the question accurately and provide all relevant information. Medical schools understand that many individuals learn from the past and emerge stronger as a result. Full disclosure will enable medical schools to evaluate the information more effectively within the context of your application.

If you become the subject of an institutional action after certifying and submitting the AMCAS application, you are required to inform your designated medical school(s) within 10 business days of the date of the occurrence.

If you select Yes you were a recipient of an institutional action, you will be prompted to select an institutional action category from the drop-down (“conduct,” “academic,” or “both”).