High School

High School

Enter the information for the high school from which you graduated. If you attended more than one high school, include only the school from which you graduated.

The AAMC will provide medical schools with consistent, publicly available data about your high school  from the National Center for Education Statistics Public School Search and the National Center for Education Statistics Private School Search.

If your high school does not have publicly available data, no information will be delivered to the medical schools about your high school. Additionally, the AAMC uses three years of data and may use imputations to calculate data when needed. This means that in cases where specific data points are missing, the AAMC may estimate or fill in these gaps using statistical methods. Applicants should be aware of this process as it ensures consistency in the information provided to medical schools.

U.S. Schools/U.S. Territories and Possessions

Select United States and then select the state and county where the school is located and the school name from the drop-down list. Enter the name of the school only if it’s not listed or you need to modify the name. Then, enter the city and your year of graduation in the designated fields.

Canadian Schools

Select Canada and then select the province where the school is located and the school name from the drop-down list. Enter the name of the school only if it’s not listed or you need to modify the name. Then, enter the city and your year of graduation in the designated fields.

Non-U.S. and Non-Canadian Schools

Select the appropriate country from the drop-down list. Then, select either the school name from the drop-down list or Other (not listed). Enter the name of the school only if it is not listed or you need to modify the name. Then, enter the city and your year of graduation in the designated fields.

Earned Equivalency or General Educational Development (GED)

If you received a high school equivalency diploma or a GED certificate, please list the state and county where the certificate was awarded. In the School field, select Other (not listed), then in the box provided to the right, type “Earned Equivalent or GED.” Then, enter the city where you took the test and the year you received the certificate.

Home School

If you were home-schooled, please list the state and county where you were home-schooled (or received your diploma). In the School field, select Other (not listed). In the box provided, type “Home-Schooled,” and then enter the city where you were home-schooled and your graduation year.
