Identifying Information

Identifying Information

The Identifying Information section of the application asks you to enter your legal name, preferred name, and alternate names (any variation of your name not listed in the previous fields) as well as ID numbers that may appear on any of your official transcripts sent to the AMCAS program. You must also include your birth and gender information in this section.

Legal Name

Legal Name

This field is for your full legal name as it appears on legal, government-issued documents. Nicknames should be entered in the Preferred Name section of the application.

The AMCAS program will automatically populate the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields based on the information you entered during registration. Both first name and last name are required.

Preferred Name

Preferred Name

Any nicknames and preferred names should be added in this section.

Alternate Names

Alternate Names

Alternate names are any variations of your name, such as a family (maiden) name or a nickname that may appear on any of your official transcripts sent to the AMCAS program. Completion of this field is optional, but we strongly encourage you to enter any names that may help us match relevant materials with your application to avoid any possible delays.

ID Numbers

ID Numbers

Include any ID numbers that may be helpful in matching your documents to your application, such as the following:

  • School-assigned ID numbers.
  • MCAT or AMCAS IDs assigned before 2002.
  • Other IDs that may appear on your documents and transcripts.

Do not enter your Social Security number (SSN) or Social Insurance Number (SIN) in the field provided.

Birth Date and Birthplace

Birth Date and Birthplace

Enter your birth information in this section. The AMCAS program will automatically populate these fields with the information you entered during registration.

Gender Identity and Pronouns

Gender Identity and Pronouns

Enter your gender, gender identity, and preferred pronouns in this section. Schools use data on gender to understand the overall demographics of their student body and for reporting purposes required under federal law. You should answer the gender question based on the gender with which you identify, which may or may not be the sex you were assigned at birth. Gender Identity is a separate, optional question intended to draw out additional layers of student body diversity, including diverse perspectives from applicants who have experienced major life events or transitions related to their gender identity.