

If you are reapplying to medical school, you are only considered a reapplicant to schools that received your verified AMCAS application from a previous application year. Keep in mind:

  • You will need to resubmit official transcripts and letters of evaluation to the AMCAS program.
  • You will indicate your reapplicant status for each school you’re reapplying to in the Medical Schools section of your application.
  • If you submitted a 2024 AMCAS application and did not withdraw it, most of the information you entered will roll over to the current application.
    • Although most of your information rolls over from your submitted 2024 AMCAS application, the Main Menu will show all sections of your new application as “Incomplete.” You are responsible for your responses whether the information is rolled over or manually entered. You must review each section and edit or enter information as appropriate. When you verify that information is correct and select Continue at the end of each section, the Main Menu will show that section as complete. We suggest you print your application from the previous year to confirm what you submitted.
    • If the AMCAS program made changes to a section of the application, you will need to reenter information there.
  • If the information you provided for misdemeanors, felonies, and/or institutional actions varies from previous applications, the AAMC may investigate the discrepancy. Changes to how you describe the circumstances surrounding the misdemeanors, felonies, and/or institutional actions are acceptable.