Foundational Concept 10

Foundational Concept 10

Foundational Concept 10: Social stratification and access to resources influence well-being.

Social stratification and inequality affect all human societies and shape the lives of all individuals by affording privileges to some and positioning others at a disadvantage. Foundational Concept 10 focuses on the aspects of social inequality that influence how we interact with one another, as well as how we approach our health and the health care system.

Content Categories:

  • Category 10A focuses on a broad understanding of social class, including theories of stratification, social mobility, and poverty. With these building blocks, medical students will be able to learn about the ways social and economic factors can affect access to care and the probability of maintaining health and recovering from disease.

Content Category 10A: Social inequality

Content Category 10A: Social inequality

Barriers to access to institutional resources exist for the segment of the population that is disenfranchised or lacks power within a given society. Barriers to access might include language, geographic location, socioeconomic status, immigration status, and racial/ethnic identity. Institutionalized racism and discrimination are also factors that prevent some groups from obtaining equal access to resources. An understanding of the barriers to access to institutional resources, informed by perspectives such as social justice, is essential to address health and health care disparities.

The content in this category covers spatial inequality, the structure and patterns of social class, and health disparities in relation to class, race/ ethnicity, and gender.

Topic Our Social World Introduction to Sociology Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life Exploring Psychology

Spatial Inequality (SOC)

  • Residential segregation
  • Neighborhood safety and violence
  • Environmental justice (location and exposure to health risks)
  • Ch. 7: Stratification
  • Ch. 8: Race and Ethnic Group Stratification
Human Ecology and Environment
  • Ch. 11, The Architecture of Inequality: Race and Ethnicity
  • Ch. 1, p.28

Social Class (SOC)

  • Aspects of social stratification
    • Social class and socioeconomic status
    • Class consciousness and false consciousness
    • Cultural capital and social capital
    • Social reproduction 
    • Power, privilege, and prestige
    • Intersectionality (e.g., race, gender, age)
    • Socioeconomic gradient in health
    • Global inequalities
  • Patterns of social mobility
    • Intergenerational and intragenerational mobility
    • Vertical and horizontal mobility
    • Meritocracy
  • Poverty
    • Relative and absolute poverty
    • Social exclusion (segregation and isolation)
  • Ch. 4: Socialization
  • Ch. 5: Interaction, Groups, and Organizations 
  • Ch. 8: Race and Ethnic Group Stratification 
  • Ch. 9: Gender Stratification 
  • Ch. 11: Education
  • Ch. 12: Religion
  • Ch. 14: Health Care
  • Ch. 10, The Architecture of Stratification: Social Class and Inequality

Health Disparities (SOC) (e.g., class, gender, race inequalities in health)

  • Ch. 7: Stratification 
  • Ch. 8: Race and Ethnic Group Stratification
  • Ch. 14: Health Care
Health and Medicine
  • Chs. 10, 11, and 12


Health Care Disparities (SOC) (e.g., class, gender, race inequalities in health care)

  • Ch. 8: Race and Ethnic Group Stratification
  • Ch. 14: Health Care
Health and Medicine
  • Chs. 10, 11, and 12