Content Category 7B: Social processes that influence human behavior

Content Category 7B: Social processes that influence human behavior

Many social processes influence human behavior; in fact, the mere presence of other individuals can influence our behavior. Groups and social norms also exert influence over our behavior. Oftentimes, social processes influence our behavior through unwritten rules that define acceptable and unacceptable behavior in society.

Our understanding of groups and social norms is learned through the process of socialization. What we learn about the groups and society to which we belong affects our behavior and influences our perceptions and interactions with others.

The content in this category covers how the presence of others, group decision-making processes, social norms, and socialization shape our behavior.

Topic Our Social World Introduction to Sociology Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life Exploring Psychology

How the Presence of Others Affects Individual Behavior (PSY)

  • Social facilitation
  • Deindividuation
  • Bystander effect
  • Social loafing
  • Social control (SOC)
  • Peer pressure (PSY, SOC)
  • Conformity (PSY, SOC)
  • Obedience (PSY, SOC)  


  • Ch. 2, Seeing and Thinking Sociologically, pp. 22-25 (“Social influence: the impact of other people on our everyday lives”)
  • Ch. 3, p. 112
  • Ch. 4, pp. 146-148
  • Ch. 12, pp. 421-434, 453-455  

Group Decision-making Processes (PSY, SOC)

  • Group polarization (PSY)
  • Groupthink
NA Groups NA
  • Ch. 12, pp. 429-434

Normative and Nonnormative Behavior (SOC)

  • Social norms (PSY, SOC)
    • Sanctions (SOC)
    • Folkways, mores, and taboos (SOC)
    • Anomie (SOC)
  • Deviance
    • Perspectives on deviance (e.g., differential association, labeling theory, strain theory)
  • Aspects of collective behavior (e.g., fads, mass hysteria, riots)
  • Ch. 3: Society and Culture
  • Ch. 6: Deviance and Social Control
  • Ch. 9: Gender Stratification 
  • Ch. 4, Building Order: Culture and History  
  • Ch. 8, Constructing Difference: Social Deviance
  • Ch. 5, p. 170, 175
  • Ch. 12, pp. 421, 423-425, 430-431, 455
  • Ch. 13, pp. 489-491
  • Ch. 14, pp. 494, 496-499

Socialization (PSY, SOC)

  • Agents of socialization (e.g., the family, mass media, peers, workplace)  
  • Ch. 4: Socialization
  • Ch. 9: Gender Stratification 
  • Ch. 5, Building Identity: Socialization
  • Ch. 4, pp. 132-140, 145-150
  • Ch. 5, pp. 168-171, 177-178
  • Ch. 10, pp. 352-357
  • Ch. 12, pp. 443-445, 455