Fellowship and Residency Applicant Responsibilities

Fellowship and Residency Applicant Responsibilities
  • The ERAS program does not set fellowship or residency program application deadlines or requirements. It is not always alerted to changes made by the programs. Contact programs of interest to find out more about their requirements and deadlines. Also, confirm the program is participating in the 2025 ERAS season before sending your application materials to them via the ERAS system. 
  • This information can be found on the Participating Specialties and Programs webpage. This page is updated each season. Additionally, the American Medical Association (AMA) publishes a descriptive online directory of all training programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), which can be found at www.ama-assn.org/go/freida. 
  • Some programs have state requirements they must adhere to that prevent selection of international medical graduates (IMGs). Contact the programs directly to find out their requirements before you apply. 
  • Contact your Designated Dean’s Office for processing instructions and to receive your ERAS token to access the MyERAS portal. 
    • Note: Each Designated Dean’s Office establishes their own procedures for fellowship and residency applicants who use the ERAS program. These procedures include the schedule for distributing tokens, providing resources, and uploading and processing documents. 
    • Note for IMGs: Visit the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) website or contact the ECFMG for information on how to obtain an ERAS token via ECFMG’s On-line Applicant Status and Information System (OASIS) to access the MyERAS portal and to check the ECFMG’s schedule and procedures. 
Applicant Type Designated Dean’s Office Phone Number Email Website
U.S. Seniors and Graduates (MD or DO) Most recent medical school of graduation Contact most recent medical school of graduation Contact most recent medical school of graduation Contact most recent medical school of graduation
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) 215-966-3520 eras-support@ecfmg.org ecfmg.org/eras
Canadian Medical Graduates Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) 1-877-CARMS-42 (1-877-227-6742) help@carms.ca carms.ca
Fellowship Applicants ERAS Fellowships Documents Office (EFDO) 215-966-3940 support@erasfellowshipdocuments.org erasfellowshipdocuments.org
  • Register for the MyERAS portal using your ERAS token obtained through your Designated Dean’s Office. 
  • Complete and submit your MyERAS application and assign personal statements using the MyERAS portal. 
  • Authorize USMLE and/or COMLEX-USA transcripts and assign, along with your LoRs, photo, and any additional documents. 
  • Send Letter Request Forms to LoR Author(s). 
  • Pay fees and apply to programs. 
  • Track the status of documents by program under the Programs Applied To page in the MyERAS portal and monitor the Message Center for information from fellowship and residency programs, the ECFMG (IMGs only), the EFDO, and the ERAS program. 
  • Return to the MyERAS portal to update your personal information as needed, resend your updated USMLE and/or COMLEX-USA scores, and make changes to program selections and assignments as needed. 
  • If you have not already done so, certify and submit your application by the end of the season if you intend to import or access your application information in future seasons. 
  • Visit the EFDO website for processing instructions and to receive your ERAS token to access the MyERAS portal.  
    • Note: The EFDO establishes their own processing procedures for fellowship applicants who use the ERAS program. These procedures include the schedule for distributing materials and uploading and processing documents. Visit the EFDO website or contact the EFDO to check the schedule and procedures.  
    • Note: The participation status is set by the programs directly and determines whether they are open for applicants to apply. Make sure to thoroughly research your chosen programs, particularly their participation status, before applying.  
  • Track the status of documents by program under the Programs tab in the MyERAS portal and monitor the Message Center for information from fellowship programs, the EFDO, and the ERAS program.